Who and why of the blog?
Growing up, I almost never have to cook for my family. There are two levels of kitchen authority taking care of business before it's my turn, namely: grandma & mom. They've always been, and always will be, my inspiration to be better in the kitchen department.
Grandma always made awesome, home-cooked goodies. Her dishes were the epitome of down-to-earth, just like the woman behind the dishes. No superficial decorations or garnishing, just delicious, nutritious food that was cooked with a heart full of love.
Going to college puts ME in charge of my own food. I wasn't beyond helpless in the kitchen, but I wasn't good either. My repertoire probably consisted of less than 10 dishes. Mommy emailed me recipes and grandma orally passed down some of her own recipes when I asked (too little if you asked me now...) When I went home for holidays one year, mommy started teaching me how to make cheesecakes, and that was it. There was no return beyond that point, although, come to think of it, there were no warning signboards or any disclaimer forms indicating the addictive level of it all. Not that I mind.
Over the years, I've learned some more, failed even more, burnt lots, threw away some (lots if I'm being honest, shhhh) and deflated tons. Somehow, I kept going back into the kitchen
Anyhow, I'm starting this blog to chronicle the fun I'm having, or troubles I'm causing, in my kitchen, to share the tips, techniques, and recipes that I've picked up along my journey. I'm not a professional, just an amateur cook who loves to get herself covered in flour and in all sorts of kitchen trouble. ^.^ Hopefully, there will be something useful and informative for your own playtime in your kitchen.
Update (Feb 2016):
I started the blog to chronicle and share my kitchen journey with the world. However, over time, I realized that I was a little more naive in my thinking when I started out, this blog has become more of a personal recipe file than anything else. It's where I go back, time and again, to find a recipe that I've tried and tested to work for me. I've also realized, over the last few years, how I wanted to ask a recipe from my grandma or mom, and they're no longer there to tell me. I hope, that this will become a source for my children, if they so wish one day, to cook or bake something that they grew up with, that "mommy made when I was growing up", if I were not there to answer them anymore, that they will find it here. The pictures may not be the prettiest, the words may not be the lengthiest, the grammars may not be correct, the recipes may not be of a professional level, but it is still a chronicle of sort of my cooking and baking journey. If you find what you need and like here, I am happy and honored. If you find it doesn't work for you, do let me know, and let's learn and keep learning.